What Is The Maximum Integer(-ish) Number That R Can Safely Handle?


Hiroaki Yutani


October 21, 2024

Recently, I released a new version of savvy, a simple R extension interface using Rust, with improvement about a conversion to usize. I found some trickiness during implementing it, so I write a blog post.


As you know, R’s integer is 32-bit. A 32-bit singed integer can represent up to 2^31 - 1 (31-bit, becuase 1-bit is for the sign). If the number exceeds the range, NA_integer_ is returned.

x <- .Machine$integer.max
[1] 2147483647
x + 1L
Warning in x + 1L: NAs produced by integer overflow
[1] NA

But, you still can play with such a large number by treating it as numeric.

# adding a numeric makes the result numeric
x + 1
[1] 2147483648

So, apparently, .Machine$integer.max is not the limit. A numeric can represent integer numbers to some extent. But, to what extent exactly? That’s the question.

Double-precision floating-point

In order to know the answer, we need to look at how a numeric is represented in memory. R’s numeric is a double-precision floating-point, which follows the IEEE 754 standard. The format is like this:

IEEE 754 Double Floating Point Format (This image from Wikipedia by Codekaizen is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

To get straight to the point, this can represent up to 2^53 - 1. The fraction part has 52-bit, plus the exponent part is used to represent 0, so 52 + 1 = 53. For more details, please refer to the Wikipedia article!

Check the answer

Okay, let’s confirm. 2^53 - 1 is 9007199254740991. If we add 1 to it, R can still do integer calculation correctly.

x <- 9007199254740991

round(x) - round(x + 1)
[1] -1

However, if we go further, R can no longer detect the difference of 1.

round(x + 1) - round(x + 2)
[1] 0

So, this is the limit. Up to 2^53 - 1, a numeric can safely represent an integer value.

To be clear, by “safely”, I don’t mean we can treat such an integer-ish numeric just the same as a usual integer. Integer arithmetic and floating-point arithmetic are different. But, still, this is a useful fact especially to those who write C/C++ or Rust-powered R packages.

In my case of the savvy Rust framework, this means savvy can safely accept integer-ish user input up to 2^53 and convert it to usize.

use savvy::{NumericScalar, Sexp, savvy};

fn usize_to_string_scalar(x: NumericScalar) -> savvy::Result<Sexp> {
    let x_usize = x.as_usize()?;
usize_to_string_scalar(.Machine$integer.max + 1)
#> [1] "2147483648"

# 2^53 - 1 is okay
#> [1] "9007199254740991"

# 2^53 is rejected
#> Error: 9007199254740992.0 is out of range that can be safely converted to usize

So, is 2^53 large enough? I’m not sure. It depends. You might want to use the bit64 package in the end. But, it’s a probably good news that we can live without bit64 to some extent.

Appendix: JavaScript

By the way, it seems this is the strategy of JavaScript. Before BigInt, JavaScript uses that double-precision floating point both for integer number and floating point number.
