R, Rust, Protect, And Unwinding


Hiroaki Yutani


May 20, 2023

In the recent half a year, I’ve been struggling to understand how the extendr framework works. One of the things I found is that it’s extremely hard to protect and unprotect R objects properly from Rust’s side. Let me share my incomplete knowledges.

(Disclaimer: I’m not an expert around here. My explanations and terms might be inaccurate or incorrect.)


First, let’s talk about how to protect R objects. Protect from what? From the garbage collection (GC) mechanism of R. Writing R Extension (WRE) says:

The memory allocated for R objects is not freed by the user; instead, the memory is from time to time garbage collected. That is, some or all of the allocated memory not being used is freed or marked as re-usable.

So, we have to claim the objects we use are in use, otherwise they might be accidentally freed while we are using it, which will causes serious problems. As far as I know, there are mainly 3 ways to do this “protection”.

PROTECT() (or Rf_protect())

The most basic one is the PROTECT() macro. WRE says:

If you create an R object in your C code, you must tell R that you are using the object by using the PROTECT macro on a pointer to the object. This tells R that the object is in use so it is not destroyed during garbage collection

PROTECT() takes an SEXP and returns the SEXP, so you can use this like the following example on WRE:

SEXP ab;
ab = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, 2));
REAL(ab)[0] = 123.45;
REAL(ab)[1] = 67.89;

You can also use PROTECT() in a separate line.

SEXP ab;
ab = allocVector(REALSXP, 2);
REAL(ab)[0] = 123.45;
REAL(ab)[1] = 67.89;

Wow, super simple. Now that it gets protected, we’ve all done, right? Well, no. You have to remove that PROTECT()ion when it gets no longer needed, otherwise your memory will be exhausted.

This can be done by UNPROTECT(). So, the full function definition would be like this:

SEXP new_real2() {
    SEXP ab;
    ab = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, 2));

    REAL(ab)[0] = 123.45;
    REAL(ab)[1] = 67.89;

    return ab;

Here, you might wonder why UNPROTECT() takes an integer while the corresponding function PROTECT() takes an SEXP. This is because the protection mechanism is stack-based. WRE says:

The protection mechanism is stack-based, so UNPROTECT(n) unprotects the last n objects which were protected.

UNPROTECT() can unprotect only from the top of the stack. This means you cannot do something like “let’s return an object with protection and unprotect later in another function.” If something gets PROTECT()ed in a function, it’s required to be UNPROTECT() within the function. WRE says:

Calls to PROTECT and UNPROTECT should balance in each function. A function may only call UNPROTECT or REPROTECT on objects it has itself protected.

I don’t know well about the design of data structures, but I guess the advantages of being stack-based are

  • fast
  • can be unwound (WRE says: “Note that the pointer protection stack balance is restored automatically on non-local transfer of control (..snip..) as if a call to UNPROTECT was invoked with the right argument.”)


While the rule of PROTECT() requires as above, we certainly have many valid cases that are not covered by this:

  1. We want the object to live among multiple function calls
  2. We want the object to live forever (i.e., until the R session ends)

An example of case 1 is to wrap SEXP objects in a C++ class, which should protect in its constructor and unprotect in its destructor (how to call the destructor properly is another headache, but let’s discuss later).

Fortunately, R provides R_PreserveObject() and the corresponding function R_ReleaseObject() for this. WRE says:

a call to R_PreserveObject adds an object to an internal list of objects not to be collects, and a subsequent call to R_ReleaseObject removes it from that list. This provides a way for objects which are not returned as part of R objects to be protected across calls to compiled code

So, it sounds like R_PreserveObject() supersedes PROTECT(). Why not use it all the time?? Well, while R_PreserveObject() is great, it’s slow. WRE says:

It is less efficient than the normal protection mechanism, and should be used sparingly.

Why slow? This is because how it’s implemented. The explanation in the related performance issue says:

This is a simple linked list, so has to be searched linearly to remove objects pushed on early.

So, are there any efficient ways to provide protection longer than one function call? The answer is simple. To prevent an SEXP from being considered as unused, we can actually use it!

Get referenced by another SEXP

WRE says:

Protecting an R object automatically protects all the R objects pointed to in the corresponding SEXPREC, for example all elements of a protected list are automatically protected.

To put this into simpler words, if an R object already belongs to another R object (e.g., an element of a list), it doesn’t need the protection of PROTECT() or R_PreserveObject(). Actually, that’s why functions are supposed to return unprotected results; on the R session, the returned value is immediately assinged to a variable in some environment.

We can utilize this spec in several ways. A straightforward implementation of this is to have one big R_PreserveObject()ed list as the “anchor” and assign R objects to it. extendr uses this way (code). But, if this is done naively, it would also be inefficient as R_ReleaseObject() to search linearly which one to unprotect. So, extendr uses a hashmap nicely. Another reason of hashmap is that extendr allows Clone, so it must track the reference count on Rust’s side as well, but let’s not talk about the details here.

More sophisticated example is cpp11. It uses a doubly-linked-list approach (code), which is based on the suggestion in the issue above. This is more efficient when unprotecting. The C++ code is a bit advanced, so my naive implementation in Rust might be a bit easier to read.

When to use which?

In summary, we have mainly 3 options to protect:

  1. PROTECT()
  2. R_PreserveObject()
  3. Get refrenced by another SEXP

You might wonder if we should always use case 3. But, if you look at the implementation of cpp11, it will easily remind you that PROTECT() is needed anyway until the object gets referenced. If you care about efficiency, you should use PROTECT() when it’s enough.

In my understanding, ideally we should

  1. Use PROTECT() everywhere as long as the protection is needed within the function
  2. Use R_PreserveObject() for objects that are never released during the R session
  3. Use the doubly-linked list when an object needs protection longer than one function call but shorter than one R session

This topic still has more room to discuss, but let’s move on as this is not the main one of this post!

Unwinding and longjmp

What is unwinding? Honestly, I’m not confident what exactly this term refers to, but it seems it’s a cleanup process when some exception happens. For example, Wikipedia says:

Returning from the called function will pop the top frame off the stack, perhaps leaving a return value. The more general act of popping one or more frames off the stack to resume execution elsewhere in the program is called stack unwinding and must be performed when non-local control structures are used, such as those used for exception handling.

Usually, this explanation should be satisfying. But, as I’m talking about Rust, things are a bit more complicated. “non-local control structures” means panic!() to Rust, which we don’t try to catch in usual cases. Yes…, this is the core of the problem I’m writing. Let’s revisit later.

Different languages have different unwinding mechanism

Let’s forget about Rust. Suppose we want to use C++.

C++ and Rust are the same in that it has difficulty to handle longjmp. C++’s class has destructor, which is called when the object is deleted. So, in theory, a C++ class of a wrapper of an R object can manage the protection with including the unprotecting operation in its destructor.

However, the problem is that, the destructor can be called only in C++’s exception handling. If some R error, which is implemented using longjmp, happens on calling R’s C APIs, the destructor is not called. More details can be found the following blog post by the R core member:

Use of C++ in Packages - The R Blog

Unfortunately, RAII does not work with setjmp/longjmp functions provided by the C runtime for exception handling.


Fortunately, R’s C API provides a function for this, R_UnwindProtect(). This is something like tryCatch() at the C-level. The signature is:

SEXP R_UnwindProtect(SEXP (*fun)(void *data), void *data,
                     void (*clean)(void *data, Rboolean jump), void *cdata,
                     SEXP cont);

Basically, this is to wrap fun(data). If a longjmp error happens during the execution of fun(data), clean(cdata, TRUE) will be called before actually doing longjmp.

In the C++’s case, it is intended to throw C++ exception in clean() to let C++’s stack unwinding happen first. Then, R_ContinueUnwind(cont) can be used for moving back to C’s (or R’s) exception handling. cont is an R object created by R_MakeUnwindCont().

For a real example, cpp11’s implemntation is (code):

  static SEXP token = [] {
    SEXP res = R_MakeUnwindCont();
    return res;

  std::jmp_buf jmpbuf;
  if (setjmp(jmpbuf)) {
    should_unwind_protect = TRUE;
    throw unwind_exception(token);

  SEXP res = R_UnwindProtect(
      [](void* data) -> SEXP {
        auto callback = static_cast<decltype(&code)>(data);
        return static_cast<Fun&&>(*callback)();
      [](void* jmpbuf, Rboolean jump) {
        if (jump == TRUE) {
          // We need to first jump back into the C++ stacks because you can't safely
          // throw exceptions from C stack frames.
          longjmp(*static_cast<std::jmp_buf*>(jmpbuf), 1);
      &jmpbuf, token);

Note that this is a bit more complex than what WRE describes. As the comment says, this first jumps into the C++ stack by longjmp(), and throws the C++ exception there (the if branch with setjmp()). The error is caught by a try-catch block like this (a simplefied version of this original code):

SEXP err = R_NilValue
try {

  // ...snip...

catch (cpp11::unwind_exception & e) {
  err = e.token

So, what about Rust?

Okay, let’s come back to Rust. Rust also has destructor (i.e., Drop trait), so we’ll face the same problem. Can we survive with the same approach as C++?

Yes and no. Rust has a kind of try-catch, std::panic::catch_unwind() while its document says:

It is not recommended to use this function for a general try/catch mechanism.

So…, it’s kind of possible. Actually, extendr uses catch_unwind() (code). In the code below, the cleanup function do_cleanup() calls panic!(), which is caught by catch_unwind().

pub fn catch_r_error<F>(f: F) -> Result<SEXP>
    F: FnOnce() -> SEXP + Copy,
    F: std::panic::UnwindSafe,
    // ...snip...

    unsafe extern "C" fn do_cleanup(_: *mut raw::c_void, jump: Rboolean) {
        if jump != 0 {
            panic!("R has thrown an error.");

    unsafe {
        let fun_ptr = do_call::<F> as *const ();
        let clean_ptr = do_cleanup as *const ();
        let x = false;
        let fun = std::mem::transmute(fun_ptr);
        let cleanfun = std::mem::transmute(clean_ptr);
        let data = std::mem::transmute(&f);
        let cleandata = std::mem::transmute(&x);
        let cont = R_MakeUnwindCont();

        // Note that catch_unwind does not work for 32 bit windows targets.
        let res = match std::panic::catch_unwind(|| {
            R_UnwindProtect(fun, data, cleanfun, cleandata, cont)
        }) {
            Ok(res) => Ok(res),
            Err(_) => Err("Error in protected R code".into()),

In general, panic!() should be avoided when the Rust function is called over FFI. panic!() causes unwinding, and cross-language unwinding is considered as undefined behavior (cf., Rust “ffi-unwind” project - FAQ).

However, the problem is, we have to jump. We must escape from the cleanup function. Otherwise, R_ContinueUnwind(cont) will be called (code) automatically.

    cleanfun(cleandata, jump);

    if (jump)

Rust doesn’t have longjmp / setjmp (rust-lang/rfcs#2625), so the last resort is panic!(). While we know it’s not good, there’s no option left as far as I know.

(Update: I found I was wrong. We can get rid of panic!())

I’m honestly not sure the current extendr’s implementation is really safe, but it seems we anyway need a similar implementation to get things work. (However, I think it’s probably a mistake that it doesn’t call R_ContinueUnwind(cont) to resume the unwinding process on C’s side.)

My take

I’m concluding unwinding cannot be done correctly only with Rust. My take is

  • Rust functions should catch all R errors by R_UnwindProtect().

  • Rust functions should not use panic!() and panic_unwind() as a substitute for try-catch, but it seems there’s no other options.

  • Rust functions should never call Rf_errorcall() directly. Instead, it should return the error information to the C wrapper function, and accordingly the C function should call Rf_errorcall() (or R_ContinueUnwind()). Note that this is because it’s also possible to throw an error at R-level, but R_ContinueUnwind() is only possible at C-level.

My work-in-progress implementation using tagged pointer can be found here:
